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A Look at Psalm 119:64

Oct 17, 2024

The Difference is (Real) Love

Psalm 119:64 “The earth is filled with your love, O Lord; teach me your decrees.”

David is asking to be taught the decrees of God. A decree is a decision. In this case, they are decisions God has made. Obviously, God decided to reveal His love through His creation. The whole earth is filled with God’s love. Nevertheless, it is quite apparent that our world is suffering from the effects of the fall of man. What this verse reassures us of is, all things good and lovely are from the Lord, even in this fallen world. It is actually the love of God that keeps this world from completely destroying itself. 

Love is the balance to all the evil in this earth. For every evil act, there is to be a countering act of love or mercy. It may be that evil things get more attention in this world. Yet, in actuality, good things far outnumber evil things. 

The earth is filled with God’s love, and because of it, we gain an understanding about God’s decrees. It teaches us that even in an evil world, God’s will is for us to be merciful to others. God’s decision (decree) is to continue to have mercy on others, even on an undeserving people. Mercy is what will keep them from completely destroying themselves before God has an opportunity to lead them to repentance. 

Our own decision should be that of following this decree. We are to be living a life of returning good for evil. When we show kindness to others, the world begins to see that the earth IS filled with His love. They begin to see that the source of kindness is Jesus. Let the fact that the earth is full of the mercy of God get deep into your heart so it will motivate you to be part of this revelation to others.

Take some time to let this verse sink in – chew/meditate on it; ask God to give you a heart of mercy.



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