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A Look at Psalm 119:63

Oct 17, 2024


Psalm 119:63 “I am a friend to all who fear you, to all who follow your precepts.”

David considered himself a friend to all who feared God. Not only are we automatic friends with those who fear God, we are family, also. If we fear God and follow His precepts, it’s because we are part of His family. The word “precept” is what we generally refer to as “instruction.” To be in the family of God, we follow God’s instructions to us.

In Matthew 12:47, someone told Jesus that His mother and brother were outside. Jesus then asked the question, “Who is my mother, and who are my brothers?” In verse 50, He answers His own question. "For whoever does the will of my father in heaven is my brother and sister and mother.” There is one constant in the will of God. It is God’s will, in every case, for the Son of God to be revealed through the kindnesses we do for others. In all that we do, it is the Lord’s will for others to see Jesus. They see Him through the mercy we have on them. 

David said he was a friend to all those who revered (feared) God to the point that they followed God’s instructions. Jesus said that those who are in His family are followed God’s instructions. Jesus said that those who are in His family are the ones who do the will of God (follow His instructions). Jesus was not being unkind to His earthly mother when He was told that she was outside and He responded with, “Who is my mother?” He was not excluding her at all. 

He was simply revealing to us that we, too, can be in His family. We do not earn membership in the family of God through good works. However, if we are a true member of the family of God, it will be revealed by our kindness to others.

Take some time to let this verse sink in – chew/meditate on it; consider whether you respect God to the point where you reveal Jesus in all your actions.



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