Hello, and welcome to the twenty-fourth day of our “40 days of the cross” series. Each day we are taking just a few minutes to look at a word which will help us better understand the meaning of the cross.
Today’s word is fellowship. We’ve discussed over the last few weeks how the cross brought us into fellowship with God. Jesus’ death on the cross bridged the gap of sin that stood between humankind and God. Because of Jesus’ death on the cross our sins can be forgiven, and we can be made holy which gives us access to the presence of our holy God. That access leads to our fellowship with God. We come to Him as more than servants. Because of the cross, we are now able to come to God as friends. And, we can sing, with confidence, the song, "I am a Friend of God."
But that’s not the only fellowship that the cross brings us. Look what it says in Romans 6:3, "Do you not know that all of us who have been baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into His death?" All of us who are believers who have been baptized into Jesus, are baptized into Jesus’ death on the cross. Baptism is a symbol of Jesus’ death and burial and when we are baptized into His death. All of us. So, the cross of Jesus brings us into fellowship with all other believers.
All of us as believers have brought our sins, our hurts, our burdens to the foot of the cross. We are made equal at the foot of the cross. We become children of our heavenly Father at the cross. That means we are joined together as brothers and sisters in fellowship at the foot of the cross. In 2 Corinthians 13, Paul tells us that we share in each other’s struggles and in each other’s comforts. We are bonded in fellowship with our fellow believers, not because of anything we have done, but because of what Jesus did upon the cross. We walk our journey of faith together in fellowship, all because of the cross. He did this for us despite our weakness. We’ll talk more about weakness tomorrow.
After we pray today, I encourage you to take some time to think of how the cross brings us together in fellowship.
Heavenly Father, it is through Your cross that all good things happen. And our fellowship with each other is a very good thing. I thank you that you walk with us through every chapter of our lives, and I thank you that I take my journey together, in fellowship with my brothers and sisters in Christ. In the name of Christ Jesus I pray, amen.
Thanks for listening/reading today. Please take some time to think about the fellowship with others that is available to you through Jesus' work on the cross.