Psalm 119:65 “Do good to your servant according to your word, O Lord.”
God does good to His servants! Are you a servant, or do you like to be served? If you have the Spirit of Christ in you, you should have a desire to serve others. Jesus came not to be ministered unto but to minister. We are attempting to gain the mind of Christ through meditating on these verses. What becomes quite obvious, as we meditate on them, is that being served gives much more pleasure to our flesh than serving does. When we think we really are something, we want to be served rather than to serve.
Paul tells us in Philippians to have the mind of Christ. Then he gives us a description of Christ’s mind, as he says that Jesus
“made himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant” Philippians 2:7. The servant’s nature is that of nothingness. A servant is to be a conduit. He/she is to be the source of blessings for others. I once heard a minister say these words: “What makes a conduit or pipe effective? Nothingness! A pipe must have nothing inside of it in order for it to do what it is designed to do. When a pipe is filled with itself, it no longer can serve others.”
To some, being nothing is a frightening thought. They say things such as, “How will our needs be met if all we do is serve others?” The answer to that is, the goodness of God is given to those who serve. God does good to His servants.
What could be missing in a life where God is bringing good into it? If we look to be served by man, then all we have to look forward to is what man can bring into our life. If we look to serve others, then we can look forward to what God will bring into our life.
Take some time to let this verse sink in – chew/meditate on it; ask God to show you how you can become more of a servant. Let that mind be in you.