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Jesus the Lamb, part 1

Brad Wickersheim • December 25, 2023

The Best Gift of All

In this last week of our Advent series, we are again reminded that Jesus is many things to many people. As we have seen already during this Advent season, we must each decide who Jesus is going to be to us: He is the Prophet of God, come to bring us God’s message of grace and forgiveness. He is our Great High Priest, come to bridge the gap between humankind and God that was caused by our sin. He is, to the believer, the One and only true King, whom we seek, worship and serve. 

Yes, Jesus is so many things and God leaves to us the decision of what we will call His greatest gift to Creation. We have heard the Good News, the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We have before us the testimony of those who were eyewitnesses of the incredible events written about in the Gospels: the shepherds, who were graced with an angelic host proclaiming that a Savior had been born in Bethlehem; the Wise Men who followed the heavenly sign of the star to find a newborn King; an evil king Herod who wanted nothing to do with a Heavenly King for fear that his own power would be compromised; the apathetic people of Jerusalem who feared that the Kingdom of God would battle with the kingdoms of this earth. 

Yes, some rejoiced to hear about the coming of this Child, Named Jesus, some lamented the news, and some had no reaction at all. The decision was theirs to make, and it is ours to make as well. On this Christmas Day in 2023, we have heard the message of Christmas countless times. Through song, story, and scenery, the invitation has been laid before us to receive this heaven–sent King, as the King of our life. The decision remains for each one of us to renew each day: Will we hear the Word of God? Will we allow the Great High Priest to present our sacrifice to God? Will we serve the King of the universe? All of the heavens await our decision. 

Before this season is over, the gifts are unwrapped, the pageants closed with a final bow, and the decorations stored in a box for next year, we have one more Name for the Child, who was born and laid in that manger in David’s City. Most of us have used the phrase, “Last, but not least.” The same can be applied for this final week of Advent. In fact, some would say that this last candle of the Advent wreath, represents a case of, “Saving the best for last.” This final Advent Candle reminds us that Jesus came to be the Lamb of God. 

This candle, in context of it representing The Lamb of God, is perhaps the most surprising of all the candles. That is not a small thing to say when you consider the incredible nature of Jesus’ birth and identity. It is incredible to think that God would break into human history to give us His commands and direction. It is incredible to think that He would call simple, common humans like you, me, and Moses to speak for Him, even as He called the Prophets of the Old Testament. But it is even more incredible to think that God would send His, “One and Only Son,” to the earth, to speak for Him, especially with the message of grace and forgiveness that came from Jesus’ lips. This is the incredible message of Advent.


Continued tomorrow

March 12, 2025
The Atonement of the Cross
March 11, 2025
The Grace of the Cross
March 10, 2025
The Unfairness of the Cross
March 7, 2025
The Cross speaks of "Substitution"
March 6, 2025
The Curse of the Cross
March 5, 2025
The Agony of the Cross
March 4, 2025
The Example of the Cross
March 3, 2025
The Shadow of the Cross
February 28, 2025
The Meaning of the Cross: Sacrifice
February 27, 2025
The Meaning of the Cross: Justice
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