I was absolutely shocked again, earlier this week, when I was reminded of a Newsweek magazine article from just a few years back. In that article Kofi Annan, the former United Nations Secretary General, said this: “The idea that there is one people in possession of the truth, one answer to the world’s ills or one solution to humanity’s needs has done untold harm throughout history.” I repeat it here, because the implications are chilling: the former head of the United Nations is saying that there is not one truth, that there is not one answer to the world’s ills, that there is not one solution to humanity’s needs.
I beg to differ with this highly respected man, both when he first said it and still today. Friends, let there be no mistake: there is One Truth, there is One Answer, there is One Solution. There is One King. There is only One King. - and His Name is JESUS! The problems with the world are not caused by too few kings to worship, but by the fact that the world does not worship the One True King. If we all were to bow to Jesus and live according to His law of peace, grace, forgiveness, and mercy, the world would be a much better place. The chaos of this world is caused by so many people bowing to so many gods: the false gods of violence, greed, pride, jealousy, hatred, self and relativity.
If you are going to call Jesus your King, you must renounce the claims that all other kings have on you. The problem with most Christ-followers today is that they are trying to serve too many kings (to the detriment of serving the One True King, Jesus). We cannot serve Jesus and money, Jesus and lust, Jesus and ourselves, Jesus and our jobs, Jesus and other religions, Jesus and anything. It is either all Jesus, or no Jesus. If there is anything in your life that commands your time, attention, or devotion other than Jesus than you are not truly worshiping God with all of your heart, soul and mind.
The Advent season is a time to examine your life and determine if there is anything that is taking you away from a true, solitary worship of Jesus. If you are still listening to King Herod, or king money, or king sin, then you must renounce them and cling to the One True King, Jesus. It is not an easy thing to seek God as our King.
You can be sure: He is easy to find for those who seek Him - but it is difficult to realize that finding Him means worshiping Him with all of our heart, soul, and mind. It means laying down control of our own lives. It means renouncing the idols that we had formerly worshiped, the ways of life that had formerly ruled us. Being a Christ-follower is not just a title we give ourselves; it is a lifelong commitment to a benevolent, yet all–powerful King.
Jesus came to be a King. But His Kingdom is not of this world. His Kingdom is in this world, but not of it. His subjects are those people who seek Him, worship Him, and serve Him only. His castle is the Church, composed of those who claim Him as their only King. His land is in heaven, since this world will be destroyed in anticipation of the time when the New Earth is the home of His eternal castle.
The invitation to you today is to seek Him with all your heart, to worship Him with all that you have, and to serve Him with all that you are. Pilate, speaking for the kings of this earth, said to Jesus, “You are a king, then!” Jesus answered, “You are right in saying I am a King. In fact, for this reason I was born, and for this I came into the world, to testify to the truth. Everyone on the side of truth listens to Me.”
Are you a Wise Man or Woman? Have you sought the King, Jesus by asking Him to be King of your life? Do you worship the King with all the gifts that you have to offer? Have you made Him your One and only King, the only King with any authority in your life? You can today! END