Our calling as Christians is not to be clever people, intellectual people, efficient people, denominational people, or even hard-working people (although there is nothing innately wrong with any of those things). As Christians we are called to be Christ-like men and women! But we can never be Christ-like, never be holy, without the Holy Spirit’s enabling power.
I cannot begin to adequately describe to you the Holiness of God. However, it has been my desire these past few weeks to show us that God is a Holy God, who can have nothing at all to do with sin. Therefore, He gave His One and only Son, Jesus Christ, who was and is the perfect, holy, sinless sacrifice for our sins. It is His sacrifice which appeases the righteous judgment of God. It is by His sacrifice and through His mediation that we are able to stand clean, before a Holy God.
This week, we have considered how, through the Holy Spirit, the holiness of God is produced within the heart of believers in response to faith. It is through the Holy Spirit that our sinfulness is revealed, and Christ, the perfect Savior from all sin, is revealed to us. It is through the Holy Spirit that Christ is made to be more than just stories and facts. It is through the Holy Spirit that Jesus is made real to our hearts.
The Holy Spirit is Our Guide into All Truth – opening the Scriptures to us… reminding us of everything Jesus said and did. We also looked at how the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Sanctification. It is through the Holy Spirit that our hearts are purified as the Holy Spirit indwells, and directs, and controls the lives of believers.
Finally, it is the Holy Spirit that empowers us for a holy life of service.
God calls us to be holy as He is holy. Let me ask you a question this morning, are you holy? Is there any sin in your life? I am praying that God the Holy Spirit will reveal to you right now if there is any sin in your heart that needs to be repented of. If you are a Christian and you know that there is no unconfessed or unrepented sin in your life, I want to ask you, are you walking the road of sanctification with the Holy Spirit? Do you enjoy the fullness of the Holy Spirit this morning?
The Book of
Hebrews 12:14 tells us,
“…without holiness no one will see the Lord.” God tells us to be holy as He is. God desires all of us to be with Him in heaven. I want to see you there some day. If we are to go to heaven, it will be because we have been washed in the blood of the Lamb, Jesus Christ and have been cleansed from all unrighteousness. The Holiness of the Holy Spirit helps us, guides us, as we journey toward eternity with our Holy God.
Revelation 15 the Apostle John writes about His vision of the end times and he tells us how those who had victory over the beast (Antichrist) rejoiced. John described it this way:
“3 They sang the song of God’s servant Moses and the song of the Lamb: ‘Great and awe-inspiring are Your works, Lord God, the Almighty; just and true are Your ways, King of the nations. 4 Lord, who will not fear and glorify Your name? For You alone are holy. All the nations will come and worship before You, because Your righteous acts have been reveled” CSB. I want to be there on that day and join in singing this song, don’t you!?
If God has spoken to your heart this week, I encourage you to take some time and seek Him. He will meet your need! END