There are two words that, to me, are very important in helping us answer the question of how we best serve God in a way that is effective and empowered.
Discovery and Development!
Every serious Christian wants to know what the will of God is for their life. In my library, there are a number of books that are dedicated to explaining, how to find the will of God. Some, make their quest for the will of God quite tortuous. His will is not written in some mysterious place, hidden far away. His will is written into that person called YOU, as you present yourself to Him, in obedience.
When we come to Jesus through faith, when we receive His as our Savior and Lord the Holy Spirit immediately comes to live in us. IF, we ‘walk in the Spirit,’ that is, if we respond in obedience to the Word and the Spirit’s leading, He will lead us into transformation of character and He will equip us, to BE, who He is calling us to be.
Discover is a great word. One writer says, “Gifts are received, not achieved.” No one works hard in church and then is rewarded with a spiritual gift. They are not merit badges handed out to especially holy people! Spiritual Gifts are the tools given to people, by the Holy Spirit, to accomplish the work of God.
I’ve seen disciples in process, people who are still dealing with character flaws, or with personal problems, who are lacking in theological knowledge, and yet, because they love God and His work, they experience the empowerment of the Spirit. The Bible is quite clear,
1 Corinthians 12:11, that gifts are the
“work of One and the same Spirit, and He gives them to each one, just as He determines” NIV.
We best discover God’s empowering gifts, within the context of service; beginning to take advantage of the opportunities that are presented to us in daily life! We can begin, by serving in ways that fit our present abilities, and where we think we can be most effective. The Bible teaches us that we should pray and ask God for gifts! 1 Corinthians 14:1 says, Follow the way of love and eagerly desire spiritual gifts. . .
Develop is a second important word. In Romans 12:11, we are directed, “…do not lack diligence in zeal, be fervent in the Spirit; serve the Lord.” Paul encouraged a young preacher named Timothy, with these words:
1 Timothy 4:14 “Do not neglect the gift that is in you…” CSB. The Message paraphrase Bible, puts it like this:
“…that special gift of ministry you were given when the leaders of the church laid hands on you and prayed — keep that dusted off and in use.”
Our spiritual gifts, given to us by the Spirit of God, require constant use. A couple old adages apply well to spiritual gifts, “Use it or lose it” & “Practice makes perfect!” And let me add: Begin broadly, serving right where you are!
For example, it is very doubtful that your calling will lead you into cross-cultural evangelism, sharing Christ in some foreign culture, if you can’t share Him effectively with the person who lives, or works, next to you!
I should mention that very few people will find that their spiritual gifts, giftings, exactly fit the definitions that various teachers and “gift tests” create. Most of us, have gift mixes, that make us unique – in part, because God created us to be unique.
In the parable of the servants entrusted with the master’s estate, that is found in Matthew 25, we are told that the faithful servants diligently applied themselves to investing and putting to use what was entrusted to them, in order to produce gain. Helping us to understand that diligence will be required of you, in your ministry, for Christ.
Continued tomorrow