Do you remember how the writer of Hebrews stated it in
Hebrews 5:12? “For though by this time you ought to be teachers, you have need again for someone to teach you the elementary principles of the oracles of God.” The term “teacher” here does not have to only apply to the position of teacher, such as a Sunday school teacher, or a helper with children’s ministry, or even a preacher, as much as it refers to how your own maturity in Christ can teach others about the basics of Christianity through whatever gifting God has given you. Those whose gifts are fully developed are constantly in a position of influence. They may not be a teacher per se, but their maturity in Christ gives them ample opportunity to influence and sway others.
Hebrews 6:1 “Therefore leaving the elementary teaching about the Christ, let us press on to maturity.”
The author of Hebrews is really saying “Grow up! Stop hanging on to the most basic tenets of the faith and start living them out!” Can we really say we believe anything if we fail to live it out? The word “believe” is a verb; it demands action. If I say I believe in witnessing but never share my faith with anyone, will I be able to persuade you of the spiritual benefits of sharing your faith?
A couple of weeks ago I received an email from someone; one simple line in that email sparked this whole message. They wrote to a bunch of their friends about the fact that they are headed back to the mission field. Along with giving the details of their itinerary they said, “I am so excited to finally get back to Asia, to see my friends, my students and get back into the schedule and work I love.” This person is taking pains to get back to the work they love. Their work – which is a direct result of their gifting – is what they love. Subsequently, their actions become the evidence of their spiritual maturity.
In this case, the email writer is a career missionary, but your particular calling may not be so dramatic or even evident. It might be as simple as praying for others and calling them on the phone. It might be as simple as baking a pie for someone who is sick. The issue is not what your gifting is; the issue is taking pains to develop it. It’s being fully absorbed with it so that eventually it becomes evident to every one – that you’re dedicated in your pursuit of God and that what God did for you He can do for others.
What, then, is the End Result?
Now we must answer the question, “What is the end result of this?” The answer is: ministry. I have often said that using our God-given gifts is how we serve God but our ministry comes through how our gift helps us develop in the image of God. Service is one thing: I serve the Lord through preaching and “shepherding” – but my ministry comes through the revelation of Christ that my life brings to you. I cannot technically minister to you; I can only serve you. But through faithfulness in serving, Jesus can minister to you through me.
The same is true of all of us. Pushing for the development of our gifts and using those gifts to serve others is what really develops our ministry. When the Reeds are on the “field,” they do a lot of teaching and personal mentoring - that is how they serve God. But their ministry comes through in a different way, seen when they say they can’t wait to get back to the work they love. The word “work” is their service; but the word “love” is their ministry.
It’s not just our faithfulness in our service – it’s the love of serving which ministers to others.
Continued tomorrow