The “want to” spirit operates out of humility. It is a spirit that simply loves Jesus and wants to be effective in the kingdom for Jesus’ sake.
The “have to” spirit is trying to earn righteousness. This spirit believes you have to work hard at being a good Christian – and usually ends up being quite legalistic.
The “I don’t have to” is self-righteous. These people are almost proud of the revelation that Jesus paid it all, and that being “in Jesus” makes them right with God no matter what they do. The only problem with that is they feel no compulsion to work in the Kingdom. Don’t you think that is happening in America today? We seem to be content to just watch our nation fall apart, even though we understand that the only hope for our country, is to get people to turn to Christ.
A Slave to All
1 Corinthians 9:19 “For though I am free from all men, I have made myself a slave to all, that I might win the more.”
Paul the Apostle understood the “I don’t have to” spirit. He states it, when he says,
“I am free from all men.”
Contextually he is referring to their religions. He says,
“I am free from all the regulations men add to their faith.” He understood that good works get you nowhere with Jesus. However, Paul has the “want to” spirit, therefore he says, “I have made myself a slave to all, that I might win them.” He says,
“I know I’m free of their rules and regulations but I will make myself subject to them because winning them is more important to me than my personal freedoms.”
Once again, Paul is talking from a higher level of living than most of us are comfortable with. We tend to live at base level. We tend to look strictly from a “have to” or a, “I don’t have to” spirit. Jesus says,
“Repent of that attitude.” Go back to your first love perspective.
The “have to” or the “I don’t have to” spirit comes from a self-focus. It bases all of its actions from a purely legalistic/theological perspective which understands that freedom means no regulations. The “want to” spirit comes from a first love perspective that says, “Even though I am free from the regulations of man, and the Mosaic Law, I will make myself a slave to men for Jesus sake that I may win them.”
The “want to” spirit will save the world. The “have to” spirit will keep religion alive. The “I don’t have to” spirit is the most dangerous spirit of all. It brings the work of God to a grinding halt. It’s the spirit that uses its freedom in Christ to do absolutely nothing for Him. It’s the nine lepers that never thought about thanking Jesus for what He just did for them.
I’ve titled this message Risk Taking. However, the risk I want you to take is to go back to your first love status. Ask God to restore to you a strong, “want to” spirit, so that the things you do for Him are not religious works, but rather acts of love. Our opening verse talked about men who risked their lives for the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Isaiah the prophet cried out, “Your Name and renown are the desire of our hearts.” We need to take a risk for the sake of the Name of our Lord. He is worthy of the whole world’s worship. END