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Pushing the Spirit, part 3

Brad Wickersheim • May 24, 2023

There was given me a thorn...

We see the same spirit in Paul in Acts chapter 21. The prophet Agabus told him what would happen to him if he went to Jerusalem, and yet, Paul seems to believe that his logic would convince his hearers, even against what God instructed him to do. That’s not good. Once God gives us orders, they are to be followed – not debated. God has the final word in this argument, as He does in every argument people get into with Him. Have you ever tried to argue with God, thinking that your logic makes perfect sense? It's times like that, which I believe, reminds God of the verse, which says, “… the wisdom of men is foolish to God.” 

Paul assumed that once the Jews heard his testimony, they would realize how wrong they had been and would receive his message. But just as was prophesied, because Paul would not be dissuaded, he goes to Jerusalem and the people revolt at his testimony and not much is accomplished for God. 

Friends, you just cannot push the Spirit, no matter how good you are. This started way back in Israel’s wanderings in the desert. As they were being led through the wilderness by the pillar of fire at night and the cloud during the day – an old saying came out of that which says; “Don’t move before the cloud.” Don’t come out from under its protection. Can you imagine the zealous men of the day walking ahead of the cloud looking back from under the hot Sun and saying, “God, get your cloud over here! You are way behind. We know where you want us to go and we’re going there.”

Paul had that kind of zeal. Yet, this is the man God chooses to use in His plan for the Gentiles. He is without doubt the best man available. In the end, Paul stands head and shoulders above his generation and many generations since his. Yet, God had a hard time getting Paul to work along the lines of His plans because of Paul’s natural abilities.


Paul’s Thorn

That brings us back to the opening verse. 2 Corinthians 12:7 “To keep me from becoming conceited because of these surpassingly great revelations, there was given me a thorn in my flesh, a messenger of Satan, to torment me.” 

Something came into Paul’s life that was a constant irritation. He calls it a thorn. That is quite a graphic word. A sharp point prodding into his flesh, always digging in whether he is asleep, awake, preaching, or writing, that thorn is ever cutting its point into his sensitive flesh. At first, it probably didn’t bother him that much because he could always go to God for help. And so he goes to God and says, “Will you please take away this thorn?” But it stayed stuck. So a second time, he goes to God and says with a little more urgency, “Please take away this thorn.” There is still no change. Then he prays a third time, with, probably, much more earnestness than all the other times combined. Nothing changes! 

Notice that I did not say there was no answer – there was simply no change. The answer came the very first time he prayed. God said, “No.” He did not ignore Paul or his request. God goes on to tell Paul, very frankly, that it was not best to take the thorn away. Can you imagine this third and final time that Paul prays about the thorn? 

I can just hear the very soft voice of Jesus speaking to his inner ear. “Paul, I know about the thorn, and how it hurts, it hurts me too. For your sake, I would quickly, remove it – but Paul – I have a bigger plan than just you. Then, the voice gets softer yet and says, “It is better for the sake of others that the thorn remains. The plan in My heart, through you, is that thousands, unnumbered thousands, if not millions, will come to know me. But it won’t happen if the thorn is removed.”

Continued tomorrow

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