I have heard, and have been, asked, “Do I have to speak in tongues?” My answer is that is the wrong question. No, you do not have to speak in tongues, you get to speak in tongues. Speaking in tongues in not a type of punishment, but it is a marvelous privilege for Spirit-filled believers.
We need to understand that speaking in tongues is the initial sign, or evidence, of Baptism in the Holy Spirit. “Well, Pastor what’s the difference?”
Allow me to illustrate. I have a receipt from Chase Bank. It is a receipt for our house: On the receipt is stamped, PAID IN FULL. When we made the final payment on the mortgage for our house, the bank sent us a receipt. The receipt is not the purchase! It is merely the proof of the transaction. When it comes to the question of whether you have received the Baptism in the Holy Spirit; God wants to give you proof of transaction. He wants you to be confident, that you have actually received the power He promised you.
There are four accounts of people actually receiving the Spirit Baptism in Scripture. Three, give details of how the recipients responded; proving their experience. Time will not permit us to examine these in detail, so, I will give you the passages to look up for your personal study:
Acts 2:4, which we have read, twice already this week; then,
Acts 10:44-46, at the house of Cornelius in Caesarea: While Peter was preaching; and finally,
Acts 19:6-7.
The disciples were not surprised that they spoke in tongues since Jesus had previously prepared them for this experience. Jesus had prepared them to expect tongues as a sign of their belief in Him:
Mark 16:17 “And these signs will accompany those who believe: In my name they will drive out demons; they will speak in new tongues…” NIV.
Once again, when a person is born again, they have the Holy Spirit living in them. Spirit Baptism is subsequent to salvation. Furthermore, if you do not speak in tongues, you are NOT a second-class Christian. The Baptism in the Spirit does not make you any more or less a child of God. The Spirit Baptism is all about greater spiritual INTIMACY and POWER! Spirit Baptism is all about God directing our speech in new and powerful ways, so we can become witnesses, as Acts 1:8 declares.
Pentecost provides purpose… produces unity… empowers ministry… and it PROPELS Mission
The Spirit Baptism is all about God directing and empowering our speech. You see, God wants to speak through us. Spirit Baptism is not just for your own personal blessing (although it will bless you), it is also to empower us, to BLESS OTHERS.
Holy Spirit Baptism is not just something that happens, TO ME, but also something that happens, THROUGH ME. On the Day of Pentecost, Peter quickly proclaims Jesus in the public square and 3,000 people are saved, baptized in water, and subsequently filled with the Holy Spirit.
It is a tragic thing when Christians live their lives with all the power of heaven at their disposal, yet live powerless and ineffective lives because they don’t understand or are afraid of speaking in tongues; so they do not pursue Holy Spirit Baptism. Friends, God desires for us to experience His fullness.
Today, the question is not: “Does God wants to baptize me in the Holy Spirit.” The Question is… “Will I ask Him and humbly receive all He has to give me.” How do I receive? If you are wanting the Lord to Baptize you in the Holy Spirit: 1. ASK… 2. CONFESS… 3. THANK HIM… Then, open your mouth and, 4. SPEAK OUT.
Continued tomorrow