As we grow in faith, we take more of what we consider bold steps. In reality, we are still taking baby steps. When a baby is learning how to walk, it often grasps the fingers of mom or dad as it wobbles along. The baby may consider itself quite adventurous by taking these tiny steps, but true adventure or faith will come when it releases mom and dad’s fingers.
The final part of her statement, “And He is mine,” is a holding on. It’s like saying to the Lord,
“I am giving you this entire problem (I am His). I wash my hands of any involvement. You handle this, Lord. The only thing I will do is worry about it, other than that – you handle it, all I’ll do is worry about it. That way, just in case you do not take care of it, I will have worried, and that should help quite a bit.”
Part of the reason we struggle with abandoning ourselves unto God is that we have developed a society that does not need God. Actually, we do need God; it’s just that with all the benefits available to us today, we tend to lean upon those things more than the Lord Himself. Look at what’s happening in our society, if it looks like we might lose our security blanket we throw a fit. We don’t know what we will do if our economy completely fails. Why do you think we are depending more and more upon the government to help us? It’s because we are have put our trust in them for so long that we don’t know what to do without them.
“I am his,” I’ve given myself to him, but He is also mine. I’m still hanging on to all the things He will do for me.
Song of Solomon 7:10 “I am my beloved’s, and His desire is for me.”
This is her third and final statement of position. Notice that there is a complete reversal of positions in the progression of these testimonies. In her first confession, she served the Lord for her own benefit. In effect, she said that she loved the Lord because He gave her the things that she wanted.
Continued tomorrow