Paul the apostle wasn’t just saying, “I don’t care if I’m in need or if I have all that I need.” I believe he was saying, in essence, once you are driven to fulfill the Will of God for your life, external circumstances don’t play the same role they do in the life of someone who is not obsessed with fulfilling God’s Will. It’s being content with the Will of God.
Once we accept the fact that the sacrifices we are being asked to make are for God’s sake, and His Kingdom, we can finally relax and enjoy life as it’s being doled out to us. God was not upset with John the Baptist and so assigned him to live in the desert and to eat grasshoppers dipped in honey. God saw something in John that He needed in order to continue putting everything in place for the revelation of His Son to a lost world.
God saw something in Paul the apostle, long before he even knew Christ, that He needed in getting the Gospel spread to the Gentile world. But the primary reason God’s plan worked, is because Paul was content with the Will of God no matter what it was. Paul wasn’t the self-centered American, most of us are. Paul never gave up, John the Baptist never gave up, and most important of all, Jesus never gave up. They all lived for the Will of God.
During a time of religious persecution in Scotland, a young boy was stealthily finding his way to a secret meeting of believers. Suddenly from behind a tree stepped out an armed soldier to challenge the youth. “And where do you think you are going this Sunday morning, my son?” The boy froze speechless. Then like a flash it came to him. “Sir, I’m going to hear the reading of my Father’s Will.” With a disbelieving stare the soldier grunted, “Pass on.” The boy was right: the Bible is a revelation of our Father’s Will. God’s Word is His Will.
The book of Ecclesiastes was written during a time in Solomon’s life where he was discouraged and had drifted from his pursuit of God. However, even after making all the statements he did about his frustrations with life, he concludes his thoughts with this;
Ecclesiastes 12:13 “Now all has been heard; here is the conclusion of the matter: Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the duty of all mankind.”
The duty of all mankind is to keep God’s commandments. We tend to think God owes us a certain lifestyle when in reality, we are the ones who owe God our very lives. Don’t give up on the status quo. Don’t give up on your daily routine of getting up each day, going to work, coming home, paying your bills, and feeding your family, for these things bear good fruit. My suggestion to you for the remainder of this year and beyond, should the Lord tarry, is, “Don’t Give Up!”
Remember, in due season you will reap if you faint not. END