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Amazing Partner, Amazing People, part 2

Brad Wickersheim • May 21, 2024

Every believer is meant to have an ongoing personal experience with the Holy Spirit!

How many of us want to live such and amazing life that people will wonder what happened to you – and if it can happen to them?


Three characteristics of the amazing people are highlighted in Acts chapter 2, characteristics that offer both instruction and inspiration for all who desire to live and model a truly amazing life.

Amazing People are People with an Experience!

What made the disciples so compelling to the crowds that had gathered? We read that answer in the first 4 verses of the chapter. Acts 2:1-4, “When the day of Pentecost came, they were all together in one place. 2 Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting. 3 They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them. 4 All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit enabled them.”

It was the experience they had with the person and power of the Holy Spirit! The people coming out of the upper room of that house were not the same ones who went into it. Yes, physically they were the same, but spiritually they were not even close. 

Dr. Robert Heidler helps us understand the importance of experience when it comes to our relationships. He writes, “A relationship between two people involves mutual interaction. They communicate with each other… they experience each other.” He said, “I have a relationship with my wife. We talk to each other. I share my heart with her and she shares her heart with me. I can experience her presence. We can hold hands and or embrace one another. I do things to please her and she does things to please me. We express our love to each other. There is two-way interaction; that’s what relationship is all about.” 

Heidler goes on to say, “Let’s suppose I decide to have a relationship with Abraham Lincoln. I might study Lincoln’s live to learn what he was like. I could read his writings and the writings of those who knew him. I could gain a great appreciation for the kind of person he was and the things he accomplished. I could even travel to Lincoln’s tomb, stand near where his body lies and attempt to talk to him. But I would not have entered into a relationship with Honest Abe. 

Relationship requires interaction. Abe could never talk to me, acknowledging my presence, shake my hand or give me a pat on the back. Without the ability to experience Lincoln, I can never have a true relationship with him. I may end up knowing about him – even more than anyone else does, but I can never know him.”

There is an incredible difference between knowing about someone and knowing someone. Experientially, we could simply ask those who had been in the upper room – they went from knowing about the Holy Spirit to knowing the Holy Spirit and their lives were never the same again. Let me assure us of this fact – we are meant to have an ongoing personal experience with the Holy Spirit. 

There are two reasons why it is vital for believers to experience the person of the Holy Spirit and the ability He brings. 

Our Experience with the Holy Spirit Builds Confidence!

How many know that a person with an experience is never at the mercy of a person with an argument.   

A bunch of year ago now, a great Evangelist by the name of H.A. Ironside was preaching on the streets when a well-known professor, who was a very vocal and active atheist, began to heckle him and his message. Ironside kept trying to preach but this bitter professor kept yelling, “There is no God, Jesus is a myth!” 

Old Ironside kept right on preaching. The antagonistic professor got more belligerent and began to taunt Ironside by shouting, “I challenge you to a debate! Are you afraid to debate me?” 

Ironside knew that a debate wouldn’t prove much, but he needed to respond to the attacks, so he said, “Sir I accept your challenge, but with one condition. When you come to the debate, I ask that you bring with you ten men and women whose lives have been changed for the better by the message of atheism. Bring some alcoholics and drug addicts who have been set free by the power of atheism; bring former prostitutes, criminals and outcasts and let them tell us how atheism has lifted them out of the pit.


And sir,” Ironside said, “if you can find ten such men and women, I will be happy to bring with me two hundred men and women from this very city whose lives have been transformed in just those ways by the power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.” 


The professor turned quietly and walked away. Because, you see a person with an experience is never at the mercy of a person with an argument.


Continued tomorrow


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