First, we are going to speak about enlightenment. It is one of the keys to discipleship, and has a lot to do with drawing close to the one who is speaking.
Hebrews 12:25
is a reference to the Son of God. Jesus is certainly able to speak to us in many, different ways, but one of the primary ways He speaks to us is through His Word. The Word of God is not a dead book! Don’t ever let anyone deceive you into thinking it is, or even that parts of it are. Friends, it is very much alive! It will speak to us, it will guide us, it will correct us and discipline us, so don’t refuse Him who is speaking.
Sarah Smiley wrote these words:
“Many of the hidden truths of God's Word require more spiritual-intelligence than most Christians can bring to them. To apprehend them requires a certain measure of spiritual capacity and habitual exercise in the things of God, which all do not possess for want of abiding fellowship with Jesus.”
I find the first line of this quote,
“Many of the hidden truths of God's Word require more spiritual-intelligence than most Christians can bring to them,” which talks about spiritual intelligence quite interesting. The truths of God’s Word are revealed through spiritual-intelligence. Just think of the task Jesus had in trying to get His followers to see things spiritually!
I believe there is a “spiritual-intelligence quotient” referred to in the Bible. In
Ephesian 1:18, Paul said,
“I pray that the eyes of your heart [understanding] may be enlightened.” In
John 3:3
we read,
“Jesus answered and said to him, ‘Truly, Truly, I say to you, unless one is born again he cannot see [understand] the Kingdom of God.’” A person has no spiritual understanding, until they are born-again.
Jesus often referred to this “spiritual-intelligence quotient” when He said, “I have many things to say that are too hard for you to understand” (John 16:12). The “hard” sayings of Jesus were not solely a reference to Him saying things that are hard for us to take. Many times, the reference to something being “hard” refers to spiritual-intelligence or the ability to understand.
Continued tomorrow