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A Very Timely Message, part 5

Brad Wickersheim • August 4, 2023

Living with heaven in mind

As we wind this study down, let’s turn and look over into the book of Ecclesiastes. Though struggling with life as he wrote Ecclesiastes, Solomon has some very practical advice about life in it. 

Solomon spoke a lot about fools. (Maybe his discouragement comes from all those around him who do not take life very seriously.) Ecclesiastes 7:4 “The heart of the wise is in the house of mourning, but the heart of fools is in the house of pleasure.” He’s saying that fools waste their lives in fun and games. The unfaithful servant was continually throwing drunken parties. Their hearts lacked the seriousness the day was calling for. 

Ecclesiastes 7:10 “Do not say, ‘Why were the old days better than these?’ For it is not wise to ask such questions.” Wise people do not long for what used to be, because in so doing, they completely miss the blessing of the day they are in. And when we cannot see the blessing of the day we are in, we tend to allow ourselves to do things we wouldn’t if we could see God in our current situation. Suddenly, the day of the Lord could completely surprise us and we’d say, “Please give me more time to do my life over.” 

Ecclesiastes 7:29 “This only have I found: God created mankind upright, but they have gone in search of many schemes.” God created mankind upright. Isn’t that the truth? I remember watching my little nephews and nieces, and eventually my own kids, run around the house completely innocent. Sometimes, they are so innocent and upright that you have to keep them from hurting themselves. They don’t yet fully know right from wrong. God created all of us that way. Believe it or not, we were all those cute little kids crawling on the carpet and running through the house, but look at us today. What happened? We lost our innocence and went in search of schemes. 

Part of my devotional reading last week included the life story of Jacob. Jacob started life off as a baby – did we. I would imagine he was a typical little boy, but eventually he grew up and became a schemer. He tricked his brother out of his birthright, he lied to his father, and as a result of those things, he had to leave home. He worked in hard servitude for 20 years and never saw his mother again. 

But at one point in his life, he met God face to face and wrestled with Him for an entire night. He came out of the experience with a new name. He was no longer who he used to be. God was giving him another chance, just like He does for all of us.

That’s what the cross is all about. Jesus was sinless. So often we reflect on the crucifixion and all we think of is the blood, the whipping, the cat-of-nine tails ripping Jesus’ flesh as He was being tortured. We think about the nails being driven into His wrists and feet, and His ultimately death as He hung on the cross. As horrible as this was, the cross, the punishment that He bore, is not the only issue. Nothing He went through would have meant anything had He had not gone to the cross sinless. 

But He was, in fact, sinless! Christ’s sinlessness is what this message is all about. Yes, He was conceived of the Holy Spirit and was born of a virgin. But He also lived for 33 years as a man and never once allowed Himself to sin. 

That is the truly amazing thing about the life of Christ. He understood that one day it would all be over and every decision He made, He made in light of eternity – not just the day He was currently living in. 

When Jesus said in Matthew 24:42, “Keep Watch!” He was not talking to the lost world, He was talking to His followers – you and me. He was warning us of how easy it is to let the world squelch their/our pursuit of Him.

So keep your eyes fixed on Jesus, our example. Keep pursuing Him. Live every day with heaven in mind. END

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