Psalm 119:97 “Oh, how I love Your law! I meditate on it all day long.”
Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we could live a life of meditating on the things of God all day long? Some would say, “Yes.” Others would say, “I’m not so sure.” And still others would say, “No.” The key word here is “love.” “Oh, how I LOVE Your law!” Not until we love the things of God the way David did, will we really be taken up with meditating upon them all day long.
David is expressing first-love desires in this verse. The one with a first-love desire is completely taken up with the one they are pursuing. I remember once when I received a letter from my wife before we were married. I read that letter over and over. Her very words were a comfort to me. I literally meditated upon those words for days. Why? Because I was in love. When you are in love even the words of those you love are important to you. David said, “I love Your law (Lord) so much that I meditate on it all day long.”
The word “law” in the Hebrew language means “teaching.” It means “law,” especially in the sense of the teaching of an authority, whether patriarch, king, or rabbi. In other words, the teaching of the King is law. The Supreme LORD not only utters laws as we think of them, but His utterances are teachings.
Whenever Israel backslid, it was because they fell away from the teaching God gave them in His Word. Then when a godly king arose, he was commanded to teach people how to serve God. So, when David expressed he loved the law of God, he was also expressing he intended never to stray from his God.
Let me encourage you to take some time to meditate on this verse; as you do, examine yourself to see if you really do love to meditate on the Word of God.