Psalm 119:95 “The wicked are waiting to destroy me, but I will ponder Your Statutes.”
The word “statutes” here is better translated “testimonies.” Throughout the Bible, the word “testimony” implies the significance of a “witness.” The testimonies” of the Lord are witnesses which He gives of Himself.
How often the wicked wait to destroy us through the lack of a right testimony. We claim Jesus is the way while we aren’t satisfied with serving God. We say Jesus is our peace while we fret over what’s coming on earth. We say Jesus is love while we can’t get along with our neighbor. Through the lack of “witness,” the wicked destroy us.
In Acts 1:8
we read,
“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses…”
The power of the Holy Spirit is to enable us
to be witnesses. We often interpret this as meaning the Holy Spirit gives us power to go out and “do witnessing.” What it is really saying is that the Holy Spirit gives us the ability to emulate the Son of God. Then, from within that framework, we may find ourselves witnessing.
However, this verse points more to our being than our doing. Doing religious things is not what’s important. Being like Jesus is important. When we cease to be like Christ, the wicked destroy us.
Knowing that the wicked wait for the opportunity to destroy us, we, too, diligently consider the testimonies (statutes) of God. His testimony, or witness, is that
“He is good” and that
“His mercy is forever.” That must be our testimony also if we have the very Spirit of Jesus living in us.
Now let me encourage you to take some time to meditate on this verse; as you do, ask yourself, “What kind of witness am I? Do I give the wicked ample opportunity to damage the Kingdom of God through my lack of witness, or do I hold the enemy back because of my witness?”