Psalm 119:93 “I will never forget Your precepts, for by them You have preserved my life.”
The word “precepts” covers what we generally mean by “instructions.” In any position of responsibility, explicit instructions are given for carrying out a person’s assigned responsibilities. The same is true of our responsibility for daily life before God. Instructions for living can be expressed as “precepts.” The Psalmist states that he will never forget the precepts of God because they are the source of his life. God’s instructions to us preserve our life. The word “preserve,” is also the word “quicken” or “life.” God’s instructions bring life to us, which is just the opposite of Satan’s instructions which bring death to us.
We are attempting, through meditation on the Word and character of God, to understand the mind of Christ. Believing that all Scripture is given under (or by) the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, we must also believe that God prompted David to write this, because of the spiritual good in never forgetting the precepts of God. "Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things” Colossians 3:1-2.
Would you ever forget the name of someone who saved your life? If a person were to come to your house in the middle of the night and awaken you and your family because your house is on fire, would you ever forget their name? It is not very likely. Spiritually speaking, the precepts of God awaken us to our great need for God. They life us, or bring life to us. If we are spiritually minded, we too will have the attitude of David and say with him, “I will never forget the precepts of God for they life me.”
Now let me encourage you to take some time to meditate on this verse, as you do ask God to “life” you according to His precepts.