Psalm 119:70 “Their hearts are callous and unfeeling, but I delight in your law.”
The callous and unfeeling heart is a reference to the “arrogant” in the previous verse. David kept the precepts of God with all his heart. The arrogant one’s heart has a single focus: self. David’s heart delighted in the law of God. He delighted in putting God first.
The arrogant do not like the message of self-denial because that would ruin all that they are trying to accomplish in life. Those who are arrogant in their knowledge of God find no difficulty in stepping on others, even brothers and sisters in Christ. Their hearts have become callous. Somehow, they have come to believe that what they are doing pleases God because they are getting the job done.
Jesus had the perfect balance for being both task-oriented and people-oriented. Jesus set His face like a flint concerning His purpose. Nothing could sway Him from accomplishing what God wanted Him to accomplish. However, in the midst of that, He never lost sight of the needs of those around Him.
The fact is that there will never be anything that God calls us to do that doesn’t focus on the needs of others. The task before us, the call of God on every Christian’s life is to do the will of God. What is God’s will in every situation, the will of God for every Christian? It is to have mercy on others. There is no will of God outside of this one thing.
The arrogant chafe at the thought of having mercy on everyone because that might hinder them from accomplishing their goals. The humble see all others as better than themselves, subsequently they love the law of God. They love to show mercy to others because it exalts Christ. The arrogant want to exalt themselves.
Take some time to let this verse sink in – chew/meditate on it; ask God to show you the calloused areas of your heart, areas that are more concerned with your accomplishments than the people around you.