Psalm 119:57 “You are my portion, O Lord; I have promised to obey your words.
David said that God was his portion or life. In
Exodus 16:4 God states,
“I will rain down bread from heaven for you. The people are to go out each day and gather enough for that day. In this way I will test them and see whether they will follow my instructions.” When God sent the manna for His people, He asked them to gather just enough for each day.
He sent them a portion large enough to sustain life. They were not to gather enough manna for two days in a row (except for the sixth day) because it would spoil. Each day they would receive bread from heaven in just the right portion for their need.
In John 6:35 Jesus said,
“I am the bread of life.” Jesus is the bread of heaven. Consider what Jesus was praying in the Lord’s prayer when He said, “Give us today our daily bread.”
He is teaching us of our daily need of Him. We need “daily” bread. What we gained of Jesus yesterday through prayer is not sufficient for today. Yesterday’s spirituality will grow stale and rot today.
David ended this verse by saying, “I have promised to obey.” It takes strength to obey God. Manna provides that strength. Our daily portion of Jesus is what enables us to live in obedience to God. However, obedience drains us, for it requires that we give away, or empty ourselves.
Through continued obedience, a natural hunger and need for refilling occurs within us as we persist in giving up ourselves. Without obedience, there would be no hunger or sense of need, for we would remain filled with self. In
Numbers 11:6, the Israelites typified this fullness of self which comes through disobedience, as they complained,
“We never see anything but this manna.” They were literally tired of Jesus, the Bread of heaven.
Take some time to let this verse sink in – meditate on it and pray this prayer: “Lord, you are my portion. Give me today my daily need of You.”