Psalm 119:52 "I remember your ancient laws, O Lord, and I find comfort in them."
The word “laws” in this verse is translated "judgments" or “customs.” Judgments are the decisions by which a custom is established. It’s like saying, “These are the laws of the land.” The judgments of God are the decisions He has made in order to establish the customs, or way of life, for the people of God.
David found comfort in God’s ancient laws. Even today, if the ancient laws of God, or the Ten Commandments, were the standard by which we lived, we, too, would be comforted. The ten commandments are basic to the health of any society. When people live in obedience to these laws, they live in relative comfort. For instance, one of the Ten Commandments is "You shall not murder."
If everyone followed that law, society would not be in the state of anxiety it finds itself today. Another ancient law of God is, "You shall not steal." A friend of mine had an occasion to visit Japan with a group of people. A girl from their party accidentally left her purse on a bench in a public park. Hours later they returned and found the purse still there. The custom in Japan, even today, is that you do not take what is not yours.
What comfort there would be if only people lived in accordance with God’s ancient laws! David purposely remembered, or called to remembrance, the ancient laws of God. We would do well to do the same. When was the last time you purposely set aside time to dwell on the Ten Commandments?
Take some time to let this verse sink in – chew/meditate on it; as you do, consider God’s ancient laws: