Psalm 119:49 “Remember your word to your servant, for you have given me hope”
Hebrews 1:1 tells us that God spoke to the prophets in many different ways. God has the ability to speak to us through others, through prayer, through a prophetic voice, or even through a miraculous sign. However, the most common way for God to speak to us is through His Word, whether written or spoken.
Have you ever had the Word of God speak to you? Has God ever given you a Scripture in a time of need that you have desperately clung to? David expressed that very thing. He is saying in essence, “My hope is in your Word, please don’t forget your promise to me.”
David had many experiences in his lifetime: he single-handedly killed a lion and a bear. He felled the giant Goliath with a stone. He was pursued by King Saul who was trying to kill him. He was a mighty warrior. Toward the end of his life things changed for him. He fell into sin with Bathsheba and he had her husband murdered.
Throughout all his many trials David’s standard was the Word of God. The Word of God is the only standard of truth this world can ever know. It is the only thing upon which we can base our entire future. It is not only an accurate record of the past, but of the future also. There are many times when the only hope we have is in what God says in His Word about the future.
The Word of God is our hope. Just as David said,
“For you have given me hope,” we must also say the same. If we fail to put our hope in His Word, we will have no hope. Men’s hearts are one day going to fail them out of a fear of what is coming on earth
(Luke 21:26). However, those who know the Word of God have a stability this world cannot understand.
Take some time to let this verse sink in – meditate on it. As you do, contemplate the role the Word of God plays in your life. Is it your hope?