Psalm 119:46 “I will speak of Your statutes before kings and will not be put to shame.”
Have you ever done any name dropping? Why do we do that? Is it to gain some type of status? It is very convenient for us to use someone of stature to gain access, acceptance, or even credibility. In our world, we work hard to become acquainted with those of influence. If we can say we know someone, it speaks well of us, especially in a society that worships men/women over God.
When we speak of the statutes of God, it is different than when we speak of knowing people. When we testify of knowing Jesus, we can’t take any credit for it. Knowing Jesus comes through surrendering our self to Him. No one can take any self-glory in that. The Kingdom of God is for those who are poor in spirit, those who keep giving themselves away.
It is a humbling thing to realize that we cannot gain God through our own efforts. In the world’s eyes Christians are often viewed as weaklings. They are viewed as not being strong enough to be their own people because they have given themselves away.
David knew something the world does not know. He knew there was no shame in speaking about the things of God. David knew the One true King. He knew that his King would not put him to shame. David saw things in light of eternity, while we are prone to only see things in light of today. David knew he was talking to mere men who were earthly kings about the King of kings. There was no shame in that. Even if the world presently does not respect our King, one day they, too, will bow and worship Him.
Take some time today to meditate on this verse. As you do, consider whether you speak boldly about your King or whether you speak of Him rather timidly.