Psalm 119:44 “I will always obey Your law, for ever and ever.”
This is a simple statement of David’s love for God. “I will always obey Your law, for ever and ever.”
David considered his commitment to God as something without end. He understood obedience to God to be forever. It doesn’t end at the time of death; it goes on into infinity - or, to quote Buzz Lightyear, “To infinity and beyond!"
We are prone to make commitments only for a specified period of time. It is typical for us to discipline ourselves up to a certain point. We go on two-week diets, or twelve-month exercise programs. Most of our commitments have a time limit. However, when we consider our obedience to God, we need a different frame of mind.
Everything about this earth has a beginning and an end; therefore, it is natural for us to think in those terms. Yet, when it comes to God, we need a heavenly frame of mind. God has no beginning and no end. Heaven is a permanent state. The popular hymn says,
“When we’ve been there ten thousand years.” The problem with that is, we won’t be thinking in those terms once we are in heaven. Consider what the Bible says regarding time in heaven:
“But do not forget this one thing, dear friends: With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years is like a day” 2 Peter 3:8.
At best, 10,000 years will only seem like 10 days. When we get to heaven, it will seem as if only moments have passed by for those loved ones who went before us.
It would be to our benefit to start thinking with a heavenly frame of mind rather than an earthly one. We have surrendered our hearts to Jesus, for forever, not just for now. Our commitment to His Word is everlasting, for His Word says,
“Heaven and earth will pass away, but My Words will never pass away” Luke 21:33. There is no time frame in heaven, there is only eternity. David had a heart of commitment forever. He loved God more than he loved himself. Subsequently, his commitment was everlasting.
I encourage you to take some time to meditate on this verse, and as you do, ask yourself how heavenly minded you are.