Psalm 119:42 “Then I will answer the one who taunts me, for I trust in Your Word.”
This verse is a continuation of the previous verse. David is looking for the promise of God so that he can answer those that taunt him. This is not an unfamiliar situation for believers to face. It is common for Jesus to be mocked and for Christians to be ridiculed. In that sense, we too look for Him.
We look forward to the day when every knee will bow and every tongue confess that Jesus is Lord! That will be the day when all our efforts to serve Him will come to fruition, when all of our consecration to His Word will be worth it all.
Our answer to those who taunt us, needs to be Jesus Himself. However, this is not to be presented in a vengeful way. We should not long for the Son of God to be revealed simply for the purpose of telling someone else, “I told you so.”
When I first really let my friends know that I had surrendered my heart to Jesus, many of them taunted me for that decision. I didn’t want them to see who Jesus really is to prove myself right. These were my friends! I cared about and for them. My honest desire was for them to see Jesus, not only so they would stop taunting me, but so they themselves would surrender their lives to Christ!
It should always be our desire that Jesus would be as merciful to others as He is to us. In that light, we should never desire vengeance for anyone.
“Look, He is coming with clouds, and every eye will see Him, even those who pierced Him; and all the people of the earth will mourn because of Him” Revelation1:7. When Jesus is revealed to a lost world, we will not need to add a single word. His manifestation will say it all. They will see that they are lost when they see Him. Our desire should be to bring as many into Christ before that day we can.
I encourage you to take some time to meditate on this verse. As you do, ask God for a heart of mercy rather than a heart of vengeance.