Psalm 119:30 “I have chosen the way of truth; I have set my heart on your laws.”
David has his heart set on the laws of God. Because of that, he has chosen the way of truth.
We all have certain ways of doing things. We get dressed in a certain way, we eat our food in a certain way, we even drive our cars in a certain way. All of these ways have either been learned or chosen by us. When it comes to the law of God there is a way in which we are to live.
Whenever we are faced with temptation, a most important factor comes into play. At the point of temptation, we are faced with choosing a way in which to respond. Temptation puts our way of doing things to the test. It is a challenge to see whether or not we will follow God’s way or ours. The way we choose determines the lordship of our life.
Have you ever considered how you concede to the Lordship of Christ in your life? It’s through our obedience to Him, specifically during times of temptation. Temptation is a challenge to come out from under submission to God. David chose the way of truth, God’s way, because his heart was set on God’s law. Not until a person’s heart is set as David’s was, will they be able to constantly choose God’s way during temptation. There must be an abiding love in the heart for something greater than oneself.
David’s heart was set on God. He expresses it in
Psalm 67:7, “My heart is steadfast, O God, my heart is steadfast.” To be steadfast is to be fixed upon something in the same way one board would attach to another with a nail or screw. One board would be fixed to the other. When the heart is fixed or steadfast, there is no wavering.
Take some time to pray over this today, meditating on this verse. Then consider the way of your life. Is it lined up with God’s way?