Psalm 119:25 “I am laid low in the dust; preserve my life according to your word.”
“The Lord God formed the man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and man became a living being” Genesis 2:7.
What an incredible thought! God formed us from dust, and then breathed His life into us.
We came from dust, and we return to dust. Our only life comes from the One who created us. Isn’t it interesting to think of how man rebels against God from time to time, thinking he can exist without the very One who gives him life. We have no existence outside of God; He is our very subsistence. To rebel against Him means certain death.
God breathed life into us. His breath, or word, is the source of our life. God lives within His Word. His Word, the Bible, is our constant source of new life. The more we are in the Word, the more life we gain. We must be in the Word in order to be alive unto Christ.
It is not uncommon for us to use the phrase, “put to death.” However, the phrase, “put to life,” is not as familiar to us, though it should be. Have you ever prayed, “Put me to life according to Your Word,” or “Put me to live through Your Word”?
David prayed, “preserve my life,” which is what “put me to life” means. The name, “Jesus,” means, “preserver.” Satan is the destroyer. Jesus, the Word, preserves our life from Satan, the one who destroys life. In essence David’s prayer goes something like, “I came from dust and I return to dust; I am nothing but dust. The only life I have comes from You; life me Lord, through Your Word.”
Let’s all take some time today to meditate on this verse. As you do, pray for God to “life” you through His Word.