Psalm 119:15 “I meditate on Your precepts and consider Your ways.”
No wonder God said David was a man after His own heart! David was absorbed with his God, meditating and considering the precepts of God.
“Instructions” is the term we generally use instead of precept. Has God ever instructed you in anything? Have you ever set aside time to simply meditate on that instruction? Have you ever considered His ways? I once worked for a large corporation. It was common to hear people respond to instructions with the phrase, “Who said I had to do that?” When the answer came, “The boss,” there was no hesitation. We followed his instructions because we respected his position.
Without the daily practice of being in the presence of God and meditating on His Word to us, we tend to lose the reality of who God is. We don’t lose our theological definition of God, we simply lose a real living sense of who He is. There is a great difference between the God we know in our head and the God we know in our heart.
Our head is full of rationale while our heart is full of emotion. The head takes a very legal look at God and bases its obedience on that. The heart takes a very loving look at God and bases obedience on that. The head cannot change the heart but the heart can change the head.
It’s the heart that is changed through prayer and meditation. When we give our self over to time in the presence of God, we are making our self a living sacrifice. Through that, our heart begins to conform to the character of God. As the heart changes, the head follows suit. Eventually we are transformed by the renewing of the mind. Ultimately, we take on the mind of Christ because we have taken Christ into the heart.
When we know God in our heart, we tend to be more obedient to Him. We obey Him out of respect. His instructions become our meditation. Let me encourage you to take some time to pray and meditate on this verse, considering your level of respect for God.