Psalm 119:11 “I have hidden Your Word in my heart that I might not sin against You.”
To hide the Word in our heart is to do more than just read the Bible or to memorize it. To memorize or to read the Word puts it in our head. However, everything must get from the head to the heart before transformation can happen. The heart is who we are. When we allow the Word of God to get deep within our heart, we are allowing it to shape the very essence of who we are.
The Word of God is hidden deep within the heart through the practice of prayer. God speaks to us in many different ways and at many different times. However, if we will take the Word that God speaks to us into the prayer closet, and talk to Him intimately concerning that Word, we will rise as beings. In the secret place of prayer, the spoken Word of God becomes the very thing that keeps us from going back to the old way of sin.
Equally powerful is that of praying the written Word of God. When we pray the written Word of God, we express things we do not ordinarily express. Praying the Word of God teaches us to say the things the Holy Spirit wants us to say. The value of it is that it brings us into the knowledge of God while increasing our desire for God. This knowledge and desire for God’s Word keeps us from sin.
David said,
“But his delight is in the law of the Lord, and on His law he meditates.”
God has always intended for His children to hide the Word in their hearts. Meditation accomplishes this in a most effective way. Meditation is done through running a particular verse over and over in your mind. Just like a cow chewing her cud, we are to meditate (chew) on the Word of God.
Let me encourage you to take some time to pray, meditating on this verse. As you do, I challenge you to pray the words in this verse: “Lord, help me to hide Your Word in my heart! May Your Words always come to mind at just the right time, so I don’t sin against You.”