Psalm 119:109 “Though I constantly take my life in my hands, I will not forget Your law.”
Though I constantly subject myself to things that could take my life, I will not forget Your laws. In fact, it is because of those things that I will not forget Your laws. Every time we drive our cars, we are taking our lives in our own hands. Every time we ride in an airplane, we take our lives in our own hands. We constantly take our lives in our own hands. That can be a wonderful blessing if we allow it to cause us to press in to God. When we know our lives are on the line, we tend to be more serious in our pursuit of God. When our lives are in danger, we tend to remember His law.
The rod and staff represent the law of God. The rod is for correction, while the staff is for strength and direction. When the shepherd needed to bring correction, he used the rod. He did not spare the rod, because he loved his sheep. The staff could be leaned upon when tired or even used as a tool to assist in walking. David learned that the law of God could keep him in relative safety even though his life was in danger. If he allowed it to correct and strengthen him, danger was not so stressful.
David knew the Lord was his Shepherd. Because of that, he lacked nothing. HE makes me lie down in green pastures, HE leads him beside quiet waters, HE restores his soul; HE lifes him. He guides him in paths of righteousness for HIS name’s sake. Even though he constantly takes his own life in his own hands, he will fear no evil, for God is with him; HIS rod (law) and HIS staff (mercy) comfort him.
I encourage you to take some time to meditate on this verse; as you do, thank God for His life-giving law and mercy.