Psalm 119:107 “I have suffered much; preserve my life, O Lord, according to Your Word.”
It has been said before, but it must be said again. God “lifes” us. Through praying this 119th Psalm, we are praying the things the Holy Spirit would have us pray. We don’t normally think the way God does, so when we see David praying “Preserve my life,” we need to take it very seriously and pray it for ourselves. God is continually trying to remind us of our need for Him and that He is our only source of life.
As we go throughout life, we, too, identify with David praying, “I have suffered much.” There is a tremendous price to be paid when you vow your life to God. Saul committed himself to Jesus on the road to Damascus and went from the teachings of the greatest scholars of his time to humble, no-name men who were simply led by the Holy Spirit.
Moses vowed his life to God, and he was taken from a position of royalty to the desert for 40 years. Joseph was a man with a heart for God and he was sold into slavery. Daniel would not stop praying and ended up in a lion’s den. In each case, God preserved their lives.
There is no life outside of God. Our own efforts to better ourselves without God, only results in death. David knew firsthand the futility of trying to handle his own life. Some of the things he suffered were from his own disobedience to God. However, some of his suffering simply came from his devotion to God. The unique thing about David was he always came back to his source of life. Over and over, he says, “Bring life to me, preserve my life, quicken me, life me.”
To take some time to meditate on this verse; as you do, make that your prayer also. Continued