Psalm 119:1 “Blessed are they whose ways are blameless, who walk according to the law of the Lord.”
Are you one of those who are blessed because your ways are upright, with no hidden agendas?
“There is a way that seems right to a man, but in the end it leads to death,” Proverbs 14:12. The only way for our way to be blameless is to walk according to the law of the Lord.
What is the summation of the law of the Lord? Mercy. We can measure all our ways by that one standard. Will our way result in others being blessed? Only when we think in terms of mercy will we be blameless in all our ways. If we do everything we think in terms of mercy we will be blameless in all our ways.
If we do everything for the sake of blessing others, no one can blame us of doing anything wrong. Do you understand what the result of most sin is? Sin is the deprivation of someone else. The reason sin hurts God is because of how our sin hurts those He loves.
The law of the Lord is mercy. In all that God does, He does it to show mercy to us. If a man murders another man, it is such a tragedy from God’s perspective, because the murdered man no longer has the opportunity to be a recipient of the mercy of God. Whenever we sin, we rob someone else of the mercy of God. If a father or mother has a “way” in their life that is not blameless (a “way” full of self-centeredness), they deprive their own children of God’s mercy.
To walk blamelessly, we must walk in mercy. It is the merciful who continue to receive mercy. We must understand that the Will of God is mercy. It is God’s desire to reveal His mercy to all people at all times; therefore, everything we do should be done in that light. To walk according to the law of the Lord is to do so with the intention of revealing God to others through having mercy on them.
Let me encourage you to take some time to meditate on this verse, and as you do: ask God to show you all the ways of your heart that do not yet reflect Him.