Christian Assembly

Connecting with God, Our Neighbors, and Our World


How do I become a Christian?

THE MOST IMPORTANT DECISION we make in this life is to follow Jesus. God wants to be a part of YOUR LIFE every day. He loves you so much that He sent HIs Son, Jesus, to die for your sins... Are you a Jesus follower?

Follow Jesus

Our Core Values


The Bible is the authoritative

Word of God

The Bible is the final authority for our faith and practice, in understanding God and His purposes for us, and in guiding our attitudes and conduct. Everything we do will be measured against the Word of God. Our preaching, teaching and other ministries will be faithful expressions of His Word, as we strive to maintain integrity in our administration, our ministries and our relationships, presenting a ministry that is culturally relevant while remaining Biblically based and doctrinally pure.


Our worship is God-honoring,

Spirit-directed and life-changing

Worship is conversation between God and man. It is a heart-expression of love, adoration and praise to God; an acknowledgement of His supremacy and lordship; an affirmative response to the self-revelation of the Triune God.


We are committed to prayer

Prayer is our lifeline to God; it is what connects us to Him. Without it, we are powerless.

We spend focused time with God, together and individually. Through prayer, we exalt and honor God; we invite His presence into our midst and into our lives; we ask for His forgiveness and mercy; we seek His will, His guidance, His provision, protection and healing.


We value Missions: teaching, training, sending and supporting

Missions is a people enterprise first and foremost. Everyone needs Jesus. And some are called to go, some to send, some to support. But everyone has a responsibility to do something.

We are committed to help people share their faith in Jesus; to build awareness of the great need to communicate Christ's love to a lost and dying world; to provide both foreign and domestic missions opportunities; to encourage and help equip those whom God has called to missions service; and to support our missionaries with our prayers, our friendship and our finances.


We value our Pentecostal Distinctives

The glory and wonder of Pentecost is that God the Holy Spirit comes to dwell within individual believers. His indwelling brings power, purpose, comfort and guidance to the life of the believer. This empowerment to do more, go higher and reach farther for God is available to all believers, not just those in the Early Church.

Assemblies of God Statement of Fundamental Truths



We value discipleship

We are committed to helping people of every age to hear, understand and obey God's Word: helping individuals find their place in the Kingdom of God and in the church; building on a Biblical foundation, discipling, encouraging and equipping each one to serve and to function as an integral part of the Body of Christ.


We are committed to be agents of healing and restoration

As followers of Jesus, we are committed to exemplify and live out the love and compassion of Jesus Christ, to share the Good News that Jesus is Savior, Healer and the Restorer of broken and wounded hearts. We want to touch people for Jesus, in Jesus' name, investing our time and efforts into their lives, so they may be transformed by the power of the living Christ.



We value relationships

We believe in and work to develop relationships not only with God, but with one another. We are committed to reaching out to people of all generations, from the youngest to the oldest, building bridges of friendship and support.

Connecting with God... every day

14 Oct, 2024
10 Oct, 2024
Obedience - no matter what
09 Oct, 2024
Are You Quick to Obey?
08 Oct, 2024
I Choose
07 Oct, 2024
I have Sought Your Face...
04 Oct, 2024
My Portion
03 Oct, 2024
In the Night I Remember Your Name
02 Oct, 2024
Is There a Song in Your Heart?
30 Sep, 2024
Righteous indignation
30 Sep, 2024
Comfort in God's Laws
Show More


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